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Good to know

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is just like a 401K for retirement, or a 529 plan for college, except for charity.


Why our clients love Daffy’s Donor Advised Funds

Set up in minutes

Contribute using stocks, ETFs, crypto, or cash

Automate donations to regularly support your favorite organizations

Disburse funds over a multi-year period

Lower your tax bill

Invite your family members to make donations

Track all receipts on one place


Give back and lower taxes

Secfi & Daffy

Immediate income tax deductions

No capital gains taxes when you donate long-term appreciated stock, ETFs, or crypto

Qualify for itemized deductions by bunching two or more years of charitable contributions

How it works

Make a tax-smart giving plan

Work with your advisor to ensure you’re maximizing the tax benefits of giving and building charitable deductions into your financial plan


Your advisor can help you choose the appropriate tax-free portfolio, so your contributions can grow over time.


Make one-time or recurring donations in seconds to those charities that matter to you.


View all your donation receipts in one convenient place to simplify tax prep.


Access a better system for giving